

Video Tutorials


How to update your billing and subscription information.

Current Tolerisk & Projected Tolerisk

Learn about both dimensions of your client’s current Tolerisk Score, which is the constraint, and how it will likely evolve through time.

Notes & Recommendations

Learn how you can add notes or recommendations to your client’s report.

Client Prep Sheet

Discover how to download a branded prep-sheet to share with your clients before they complete the Tolerisk Pro Investor Worksheet.

User Profile

Changing the advisor’s user profile information.

Support Videos

An overview of where to find and how to use Tolerisk’s tutorial videos.


The graphical display of your client’s willingness to accept risk.

Willingness Questionnaire

The ins and outs of Tolerisk’s psychometric profile to measure your client’s willingness to accept risk.

Tolerisk Outputs

The two main Tolerisk outputs: The Tolerisk Score and the probability of outliving your money.

Tolerisk EZ

The 5 minute risk tolerance assessment that is perfect for your prospects! It is still 2-dimensional and includes mortality probabilities, but can be done in only 5 minutes!

Sensitivity Analysis

See how each input drives the client’s ability to take risk and their probability of outliving their money.

Screen Sharing

Learn how to conduct your risk assessment through a screen sharing tool like the pros!

Scenario Analysis

Illustrate probabilities of success across different time horizons using different asset allocations!

Risk Assessments

Everything you need to know to start a new risk assessment or retrieve an existing assessment.

Review Sheet

Focus your attention on the things that matter most before you convene with your client to review their assessment. Each Tolerisk Pro Investor Worksheet submission produces this handy Review Sheet.

Projected Assets

The asset projection report for your client PDF.

Investor Worksheet

Learn how to best use the Investor Worksheet, including sending partial links and prepopulated links.

Advisor Dashboard

All of your recent work at your fingertips!

CRM Integration

Learn the power of integrating with your CRM software!

Creating a Report

Learn how to create and customize your client’s PDF report.


Learn how to create and manage client workflows in Tolerisk.


How to update assessment specific assumptions.

Admin Defaults

How to create and revise user defaults, including capital markets assumptions, logo, disclosure language, firm settings, and 2-factor authentication.


Everything you need to know about your client’s cash-flow driven ability to take risk.

2-Factor Authentication

How to utilize Google’s Authenticator App to achieve true 2-factor authentication using your smart phone.

Tolerisk 401k - Setting Up a New Plan

How to set up a new Employer Plan in Tolerisk 401k.

Tolerisk 401k - Creating a Model Set

How to create a Model Set to be used in a Employer Plan for Asset Allocation recommendations.

Tolerisk 401k - Participant's Perspective

See how the 401k Plan Participant will experience Tolerisk.

Funded Level Chart

Risk Allocation Tool

Portfolio Scoring

Getting Started with Tolerisk®

The first video in the Tolerisk® Tutorial Series, this video will introduce you to Tolerisk®, show you how to sign up, manage your account, and configure your settings.

New Risk Assessment and the Willingness Questionnaire

The second video in the Tolerisk® Tutorial Series, this video will walk you through how to start a new Risk Assessment, and introduce the Willingness Questionnaire portion of the assessment.

Analyzing your Client's Ability and Setting Model Assumptions

The third video in the Tolerisk® Tutorial Series, this video uses an example to introduce the inputs on the Ability and Assumptions pages. This simple example will give you an understanding of the workflow you will utilize with your clients.

Analyze the Results

The fourth video in the Tolerisk® Tutorial Series introduces the various tools to help you analyze the results of the Risk Assessment, including the different Charts, the Sensitivity Analysis, and the Scenario Analysis. It will also show you how to generate a PDF report that you can give you your client.

Investor Worksheets

Send your client a link to allow them to fill out most of the information in advance of your meeting. Once received, you can analyze the results and share them with your client.

Using a Screen Sharing Tool

Many Advisors choose to use a screen-sharing program with their clients when they are not in the same location. This video will give you instructions on how to download and use one of these programs.

Funded Level Chart

Risk ALlocation

Generating Report